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Sum-Sum is a Taiwanese artist, sound-designer and recordist based in Berlin. While continuing to work on film productions, she also moves onto sound installations and performances. Her interest lies in the imaginations and perceptions which could be evoked by hearing experience, and the symbolic and narrative characters which is naturally carried in sound. Her works mostly deal with the manipulation of spoken words, and hope to seek interpretations and discourses in cultural phenomena and its social and historical aspect through the form of sound art.

2014 -2018      MA Sound Studies, University of Arts Berlin (Universität der Künste Berlin)
2006-2011       BA Motion Picture Department, National Taiwan University of Arts



2018                   CRUSH, Para Site, Hong Kong
                             (Wu Chi-Yu, Shen Sum-Sum, Musquiqui Chihying)

                             Sound Studies Masterausstellung 2018, Petersbug Art Space, Berlin, Germany

2017                    Beyond Freedom, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong

                             (Wu Chi-Yu, Shen Sum-Sum, Musquiqui Chihying)

                             A Map Of The World That Does Not Include Utopia Is Not Worth Glancing At, Beijing Commune,

                             Beijing, China

                             (Wu Chi-Yu, Shen Sum-Sum, Musquiqui Chihying)


                             A/V Performance“Red Noise/ White Noise”, The National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA),
                             Moscow, Russia (Ilya Selikhov, Shen Sum-Sum)


2016                    Portrait Portrait, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
                             (Wu Chi-Yu, Shen SumSum, Musquiqui Chihying)


                              Taipei Biennial-Gestures and Archives of the Present, Genealogies of the Future,
                              Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan (Wu Chi-Yu, Shen SumSum, Musquiqui Chihying)


2015                     Black Mountain. An Interdisciplinary Experiment 1933-1957, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany
                               participation in performance piece “Performing the Black Mountain Archive” by Arnold Dreyblatt


                               Resonanz - Klang, Kunst, Gesellschaft, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

                               Experimental Sound Opera “Sounds for a While”, Tischlerei Deutsche Oper, Berlin, Germany


Lectures & Talk

2015                     “Song Route: Songs of SPECX Radio #2”, Rijksakademie Live Radio, Amsterdam, Netherlands                                                                  

                              “ Song Route: Songs of SPECX Radio #1”,  Global Radio Station FM 90.9, Surabaya, Indonesia.

© 2018 by Shen Sum-Sum

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